Average 5K Time — By Age, Sex And Tips To Run Faster

Muhammad Zohaib Akbar
4 min readJun 1, 2023


Average 5K Time And How to Get Faster You Need To Know

What is a good 5k time?

Average 5K Time — Running 5K is a reasonably achievable feat. It is perfect for those individuals who want to start running or people who simply wish to run for a manageable distance.

Even if you have not ever run a 5K race, you can possibly make yourself able to run 5K by acting upon the right training program in just a few months.

If you wish to run a 5K, instead of taking care of the results you should be happy, but it’s very important to know whether your time is below or above average.

Factors like age, sex as well as fitness level of your body can affect your 5K time. Most of the runners complete their 5K race in approximately 30–40 minutes and many of them are satisfied with this time.

The average walker completes his 5K race in approximately 45 to 60 minutes.

In this article, you will learn about the useful and easy tips for average 5K time and how you can run faster in detail.

Average 5k Time By Age And Gender

When we talk about to determine 5K averages, your age plays an important role in this matter. Although, as you can observe in the below-mentioned table, some age groups can run better than their younger counterparts.

You should follow these average 5K time guidelines mentioned in the table to see your expectations when you are starting running.

Average 5k Time For Beginners

If you are running a mile in every 8 minutes, then your average 5k time may be under or around 25 minutes. However, achieving this average is not so easy for many individuals, so beginners should make their aim to complete a mile in approximately 9 to 13 minutes.

A fitness plan for running should be set for a few weeks or months. You have to manage your running routine by doing low-impact exercises like cycling, swimming and elliptical training.

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Average Time And Pace

Everyday runners have the aim to complete their one mile in approximately 9–12 minutes. This statistics shows that you will complete your 5K race in around 28–37 minutes.

People who walk have the expectation to run a mile in 15–20 minutes. Individuals walking at a fast pace should make themselves able to complete 5K in around one hour.

Useful Tips To Run Faster

To maintain the fitness level and improve running speed, you have to focus on building up yourself over a few weeks or months gradually. You should also know the useful tips to improve your running that may include:

  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle, like you should eat a healthy diet and take plenty of quality sleep.
  • Before starting exercise or running, you should warm up yourself for at least 10–15 minutes, and have to finish with a cooldown.
  • You should improve your speed and endurance by taking intervals and should change this routine to run on hills, uneven places and on a treadmill.
  • Keeping your running routine balanced with strength training, and for keeping your body flexible and loose, you should include a lot of stretches.
  • You should try tai chi, yoga or dancing once in a week to make your body move in different ways.
  • You have to focus on enhancing your endurance and muscle mass to build up speed. You should vary your exercises between moderate and high-intensity workouts, and should include other types of endurance workouts, like swimming, volleyball and biking.
  • Take complete rest for at least once in a week.
  • If you have just started running and are new, start with 20–30 minutes sessions, and when you become more fit gradually enhance the duration.
  • You may easily improve your balance and coordination by adopting the following types of drills. These are:
  • Butt Kicks
  • Controlled Sprinting Workouts
  • Straight-leg bounding
  • Inseam Pulls
  • Walking and running with high knees
  • Skipping and hopping drills
  • Bounding, or running with an inflated motion

Interval Training

Vary your exercises by changing the time, distance and intensity. Adopt interval training to tire your muscles by pushing yourself as hard as you can for a fixed time and then take a rest to recover.

For example, do intense workout for 1 minute and then take rest for 2 minutes to recover. Repeat this for 4 rounds for 12 minutes. You may also run at full speed for 2–5 minutes with equal time of jogging. Repeat this workout 4 to 6 times.

Conclusion: Average 5K Time

If you are a runner, running a 5K race is the best way to challenge yourself, or if you have just started running, you should set a goal for yourself first.

Increase your pace, as you get speed, strength and endurance but also make sure to challenge yourself with the passage of time.

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Muhammad Zohaib Akbar

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